Xinachtli Youth Rites of Passage Program and Curriculum

Xinachtli Youth Rites of Passage Program and Curriculum

Xinachtli (She-nash-tli) Blossoming Seed

Xinachtli (Nahuatl for germinating/ blossoming seed) is a gender-responsive, culturally-based rites of passage philosophy, process and curriculum that promotes healing, resilience and leadership capacity of Indigenous, Chicana, and Latina cis and trans girls and non-binary youth. Xinachtli facilitates the healing and community building for Indigenous/ Chicana, cis and trans girls, femmes, and non binary youth while catalyzing intergenerational organizing power. Join our national network of Xinachtli maestras and youth peer leaders. Our next training is scheduled for May 7-9, 2024 in Los Angeles, CA.

Follow us on Instagram @xinachtligirls